
Red Carnations on a Black Grave

Created by Catherine Ramen

A Story Game of Resistance

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Catching Up
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 03:53:47 PM

I apologize for the long delay between updates. We were working hard on getting the game ready for press. However there have been some holdups, including an illness in my immediate family, which means I need to make the sad announcement you were probably expecting: the game is going to be delayed. We are still working out when the publication date will be, but it's going to be several months from now.

Where We Are

The end of summer was spent in assembling the historical essays including sensitivity readings of the entire text and the long historical section that I had to write. We went to editing in September. Unfortunately the editing process took two months instead of the one I had been planning for. We had the text ready for layout at the end of November and Jason has had two passes on the layout. It's looking pretty good!

Sample page layout

Right now I'm going through the layout and getting any changes back to Jason. We're also getting in the art for the book. Once that is done, we'll need to get a last proofread and then start the process of working with the publisher.

Publication and Presentation

The deposit has already been sent to the publisher so we need to get the files prepared for them and then start the process of getting the production proofs from them. I'm using a reputable overseas firm so I don't anticipate difficulties but there will be delays in getting the proofs made and then checked.

The good news out of all this process is that I am going to be able to deliver to you the version of the product I wanted all along: so you'll be getting a 6"X 9" X 2" box that will hold all 18 character cards, all 80 game cards, and a manual that will come in at 128 pages. I'm very happy that I was able to get this done for everyone!

A Few More Things

I'm keeping the survey lock date open for now; most of you have finished it.

And here's one more thing I have to apologize for: when I made the survey, I forgot to include a place for you to indicate how you want your name to appear in the backer list. For now we'll use the name on the shipping address unless you'd like to change that; please reach out to me if you want a different name and I'll make sure we include that.

Thanks so very much again for all your support, it continues to mean so very much to me.


Surveys out (Finally!)
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 07:02:49 PM

Sorry for the delay (my day job caught up with me) but all the surveys are going out now! You should be getting an email for them today. 

Smoke Test Going Out!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 06:59:58 PM

Quick update: I've started the smoke test for the backer surveys, so some percentage of you lovely people will be getting that in your email today. I'll be monitoring it for any issues and hope to get the full survey out shortly.

The first pass edits have come back from my editor and I'm working on getting the requested changes in as fast as possible. We are still on track to finish layout sometime in November. I'm working on locking down the printer and fulfillment quotes (the latter will be helped when I get the survey data back.)

Thank you again for all your patience and support!

Preorder Store Online! And updates.
over 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:20:32 PM

So if you have friends who missed out on the Kickstarter but are interested in the game, I'm happy to announce the pre-order store on backerkit is now open and seems to work! (whew.) Here's the link:

In progress-related news: I have gotten back several wonderful essays from a diverse group of contributors exploring aspects of the world and time period of the Commune, especially for the characters in the game who come from the French-occupied regions of the world, and the extended history section is finished. Jonaya Kemper contributed some debriefing activities for the aftergame that we hope to test at Big Bad Con. The entire manuscript is off with our editor, so things are looking good to get the layout down at the end of October.

What's Going On
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 07:14:38 PM

I just thought I'd update you on the approximate schedule of what's going to be happening with development:

I'm currently at work writing the new cards and the history section for the rules. I'm also looking to get some commissions in for short essays covering some of the cultural backgrounds of some of the characters in the game.

As part of that I need to get the art direction to the excellent Juan Ochoa so he can get cracking on that :)

My goal is to get the text into editing in September  and hopefully to Jason for final layout in October, and then aim to get the book to the publisher after that. Tentatively we're on schedule right now but I've had a few turns in the publishing trade and unexpected delays are typical. I'll keep you posted as that comes along.

Meanwhile you might be interested in another game about fighting against reaction--except you can punch Nazis in this one! So check out Resist & Remember: Weimar - An Anti-Fascist RPG.